

“…very strange or unusual : having the quality of a dream” are two of the many definitions of the word Surreal. Though it may not connote the very best of things as compared to the word “special,” this word is apt enough, because it touches not upon the emotions, but the mind. Calling something surreal is looking at the line between “fact and fantasy” wherein it may be too good to be true, or intimidatingly unreal.


City Lights, Rooftops, and Life

Now I sort of understand why K-drama characters love rooftops.

Very conducive for clearing your head, and the vast landscape is more than breathtaking to visually swallow in one sitting. You’ll always be able to see activity, simultaneous and bustling. 

My rooftop experience tonight was note-worthy.
The dancing lights under a dusk canopy plays calmly with your eyes, and you never know where to focus your attention on: will it be the blinking stars, or the steady tower lights – red and glaring, or even the intensified cluster of city lights that provoke the darkness with its radiance. 

Also, lightning was a fine touch to the monotonous gradient of darkness tonight. 

Everything was capped off with such refreshing wisps (blasts, actually, but they were gentle enough to suit the mood) of wind. 

A+ evening, thank You Lord. I do believe I’m ready for a new season.

